FREE WALK: Why Wellfleet’s Robust Herring Industry Disappeared
led by Lisbeth Wiley Chapman
Saturday, December 2, 10:00 am – 11:30 pm, 15 people max.
(Rain Date: Sunday, December 3, 1:30-3:00 pm)
Meet at junction of Bound Book Island Road and Pamet Point Road
Learn about Wellfleet’s herring industry Fish Station of the 1800’s, located on the banks of the Herring River near Bound Brook Island. Between 1880 and 1890, proceeds from the sale of the fishing rights were enough to pay the salaries of all elected town officials. It is estimated that the successful bidders for the herring fishery rights took about 250,000 herring from the river annually. This talk will give you an idea of why this robustly productive industry died, why the Herring River was diked at Chequessett Neck Road, and the impact the diking had on the health of the river. Beth has historical photos to share of the area when the commercial fishery was at its peak.