Friends of Herring River
Mission: To inspire and accelerate restoration of estuaries and ecosystems for the benefit of nature and all people.
Now 15 years young, FHR incorporated as a 501c3 nonprofit organization to serve as an essential partner to initiate and support the Herring River Restoration Project (HRRP) on Outer Cape Cod (Massachusetts).
HRRP aims to restore nearly 1,000 acres of degraded saltmarsh and coastal habitat. Our skilled team and volunteers ensure HRRP stays on track by securing grant funds and permits, managing contracts, monitoring rare species, running events to keep the public informed, and so much more!
CNR Bridge Construction Continues – Pier 2
At Chequessett Neck Road, bridge construction continues with the past few weeks focused on installation of tapered pipe piles, rebar, and concrete, to comprise the footing for bridge pier 2. Excavation and stone armor installation continues. As planned, clean up for a...
FHR Annual Meeting – Sept. 11 @ 4pm in Wellfleet
This Annual Meeting includes a brief business meeting, 15-year highlights, awards, and reflections. It takes place on Wednesday, September 11 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at the Chequessett Club, Main Clubhouse (860 Chequessett Neck Road in Wellfleet). Light refreshments will...
Herring River Restoration
The overall goal of the Herring River Restoration Project is to create a productive, natural environment that will sustain itself with improved water quality and a strengthened ecosystem by restoring tidal flow to the estuary.
Restoration Area Maps
Maps of the Herring River from 1887 until today, showing it originally as the free-flowing river it was for thousands of years, to the impaired and degraded river it is today after being diked in 1909.
Our electronic Newsletter shares the latest information on project updates, scheduled meetings, and Friends of Herring River initiatives. Please sign up today to get the Friends of Herring River Newsletter delivered to your inbox.
Friends of Herring River
1580 Route 6, #5
Wellfleet, MA 02667
(508) 214-0656
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