Herring River History

While we look forward to continued progress in the work to restore tidal flow in the Herring River, it’s interesting to look back to the time when the existing dike, constructed in 1909, was authorized. Click here to review the record of a public hearing in 1908 that led to the original authorization for construction. The record of the hearing presents some fascinating history of the times and the issues that were debated by prominent local citizens.

The construction of the dike was a controversial issue in town when it was built, and again in 1974 when repairs were completed. When the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) was established in 1969, its founder, retired chemist Dr. Herbert Whitlock, made the restoration of tidal flow in the Herring River Estuary a priority, and APCC has worked since then in pursuit of this objective.

As more scientific evidence of the importance of a healthy, productive salt marsh became available over the past 30-40 years, scientists at the Cape Cod National Seashore began publishing documents supporting restoration of the salt marsh. Click here to go to the Cape Cod National Seashore website for an excellent summary of the project, important events in the history of the project and frequently asked questions.

This brief chronology lists important events, both big and small, which have taken place since 2005.

Herring River Estuary:
Restoring an Ecological Treasure

Friends of Herring River Video

First video commissioned by FHR to share the extraordinary history of the restoration project and of FHR. 


Friends of Herring River

1580 Route 6, #5
Wellfleet, MA 02667
(508) 214-0656