Alice Iacuessa leading a guided walk at the CCNAtwood Higgins property on Bound Brook Island, Wellfleet
Twenty people joined Alice Iacuessa, Friends of Herring River (FHR) board member, on the January 1, 2023 First Day Hikes Cape Cod walk sponsored by FHR and Barnstable Land Trust. The First Day walkers explored the fascinating history of the Atwood-Higgins House on Bound Brook Island, Wellfleet, the oldest house within the confines of the Cape Cod National Seashore. They discussed the importance of this house and its location on the Herring River. They also learned the story of George Higgins who inherited the property in 1919 and set about restoring it to his idea of an 18th century home. The walk included a tour of the surrounding property as well as a visit inside the house. One of the stopping points was George Higgins’ Summer House on a site that looks down on the Herring River.